hi all, I’m back again after a very eventfull 10 days. As some of you have probly heard, I was done by the ACMA (Australian Communications & Media Authority).I got done with Section 46 – Unlicensed operation of radio communications devices
Section 47 – Unlawful possession of radio communications devices.
I had to despose of the devices within 7 days & advise them I complied. ” In this instance, the ACMA has used discretion and has chosen not to issue you Penalty Infringement Notices or escalate to prosecution, however, any future non-compliance will be viewed more seriously.” I’m going to frame the 2 ACMA Warning Notices & put them up on the wall. So in a nutshell, I got a severe official warning.
I had to post the RCI 2970 & Palomar Amp to Head Office in Melbourne & sort of sold the Icom & Kenwood to my amateur mate Mick, to look after them till I get my F-Call. I’m booked in to do the Amateur exam on the 23rd of this month.
So I’m back on air again with only the Cobra 146GTL 40 channel SSB & 12 watts.
43SE144, Pete.
Co-Founder & Oceania Co-Ordinator/Director
Sierra Echo International 11m DX Group