2012/04/25 at 10:33 AM
Greg 43AX005
Re: antron 99 into a 5/8 wave
by 269 Hunter Valley » Sat Aug 29, 2009 9:54 am
Hang on a sec…the A99 is a 1/2 wave, in theory about 18′ high. It comes in 3 sections approx. 6′ long. So by taking off the top section you are physically shortening the antenna. OK you put a Wilson Firestick on top and tune….may work may not. I don’t think there is a 6′ firestick the longest is 5′ from memory…don’t rely on that. Either way it will be nowhere near a 5/8 which is approx. 24′ high. might be better to bite the bullet and purchase an Imax 2000 which is a .64 wave and a better antenna than the 99 ever was. Just my experience.
269 Hunter Valley
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