cpi 2000
by 2 TM 778 » Tue Jul 08, 2008 11:55 pm
Ok, I own a cpi 2000 with the freq. counter. I have had the radio since 1990. That radio is the best i have ever used. I have it tuned for SSB and it rocks! Blows the doors off of my modified Ranger AR3500. The CPI has the best recieve ever. Transmitt is smooth and clean on SSB. I just dug it up out of storage after we moved across town 2 years ago. I have been using the Ranger AR 3500(as a base), but getting the CPI out of storage was well worth the work. I cant find the mic so I guess I will have to go get a new one. No big deal. DX is rolling hard out here in socal. Listen for me. I go by 778 or 2 tango mike 778. Either 38LS or 555 US Does anybody else out there have a CPI radio? All the contacts I have ever made have NEVER heard of my CPI 2000. Too bad, they dont know what they are missing.
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2 TM 778
Posts: 4
Joined: Tue Jul 08, 2008 11:36 pm
Location: La Verne/Pomona area. California