- This topic has 15 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 12 years, 8 months ago by
Greg 43AX005.
2012/04/25 at 12:51 PM #163
Greg 43AX005
by AX05 » Sun Dec 02, 2007 1:35 amCPI – Communications Power Incorporated. (CB Base on top of banner)
Is this the Ultimate legal production type approved CB Radio transceiver System of all time to now?
Just check all the CPI info on http://www.CQDX11.com and tell me if the specs of YOUR FAVOURITE are BETTER!?
I know sometimes things are subjective so maybe if you put the pure specs aside there are many competitors.
You tell me….
PS This applies to LEGAL CB’s only!!
Last edited by AX05 on Tue May 13, 2008 1:32 pm, edited 2 times in total.AX05
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Location: Melbourne Australia2012/04/25 at 12:52 PM #165Greg 43AX005
MemberBeat legal CB
by 269 Hunter Valley » Fri Dec 28, 2007 5:12 amHands down , no correspondence entered into, judges decision is final. Without a shadow of a doubt……Stoner Pro 40. Google it and enjoy.
For the ones that were available here in Australia….my pick is the Super Bengal MK111. Re-badged Uniden Madison that killed Washingtons in either guise.Regards,
269 Hunter Valley.269 Hunter Valley
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Location: Muswellbrook NSW2012/04/25 at 12:52 PM #166Greg 43AX005
MemberQ: What is the Stoner PRO-40 SSB?
by AX05 » Fri Dec 28, 2007 7:34 amQ: What is the Stoner PRO-40 SSB?
A: The BEST SSB CB radio ever made (NOT the editors opinion!;-)
A number of unusual engineering techniques were employed in the PRO-40.
To eliminate crossmodulation interference from adjacent channels, Stoner avoided the conventional transistor r.f. amplifier/mixer technique used in virtually ALL CB receivers even today. In fact, no r.f. stage is used at all and a Schottky diode mixer is employed, similar to that used in commercial SSB equipment. With no amplifying stages in the front end which could be overdriven by strong signals, the receiver uses dual cascaded crystal filters for extraordinary selectivity. Reception of unwanted sideband is totally suppressed. This allows the radio to be used within 100ft. of another station without harmful interference. Adjacent channel rejection is greater than 90dB, and crossmodulation rejection greater than 120dB.
AM heterodyne can be eliminated by the “Whistlestop” passband audio filter, which can also be used to “peak” audio, helping separate stations on the same channel. In addition, dual time constant “NB1” and “NB2” noise blankers are provided.
The PRO-40 employs a built-in speech processor which creates a unique SSB tailored audio envelope and “talk power” without distortion or the need for an amplified microphone. The radio was factory equipped with an Astatic GD-104.
What does it sound like on the air? In the 11m environment full of “peaked and tweaked” radios, overmodulated signals and excessive background, the Stoner shines, always spurring unsolicited comments on the “sound”. “..What kind of radio are you on?….What kind of mic are you using?…very pleasant sound…easy to listen to…easy on the ear…broadcast quality…sounds real smooth…very crisp and clear…..” When you key a Stoner, people listen.
Channel selection is controlled by a custom “Nitron” chip interfaced with scan-actuating pushbutton switches. The radio features a true frequency counter readout active on transmit and receive.
Fine tuning the PRO-40 is a real pleasure with the wide range 10-turn clarifier and large dial for smooth response.
Another interesting feature is the unique discriminator type SWR meter, unseen in typical CB radios, indicating the optimum transmitting frequency of the antenna without calibration. The meter works much the same as the tuning indicator on an FM receiver. Deviation from the centerline of the meter indicates antenna mistuning and whether the antenna is high or low of the operating frequency.
Although the PRO-40 does NOT offer an AM or FM mode, a provision is made to allow interconnecting antenna and power to a typical external AM/FM CB radio, to allow using both radios on the same antenna without swapping antenna leads by simply depressing the “AM” button. This passes the AM/FM signal through the PRO-40 internal multi-stage TVI filter and frequency counter for accurate display of the external radio output.
In 1977-80, even with contenders such as Cobra, Midland and Browning all vying for the high end CB market with impressive models such as the 2000GTL, 78-999 and Golden Eagles, the Stoner PRO-40 SSB stood out as the 11m DX Sidebander dream radio.
: according to : http://www.dxring.net/stoner/
Certainly has some impressive specs even if it looks like a modern TRAM D201!!
Last edited by AX05 on Tue May 13, 2008 12:24 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Location: Melbourne Australia2012/04/25 at 12:53 PM #168Greg 43AX005
MemberMost Advanced – STONER Pro 40 or CPI CP2000??
by AX05 » Fri Dec 28, 2007 7:43 amNow which looks the most advanced?? Hmmmm…
Stoner Pro 40 below..
Communications Power Inc CP2000 Base Station below.
The CPI CP2000 Base looks more advanced in technology because it IS!
Last edited by AX05 on Tue May 13, 2008 12:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.AX05
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Location: Melbourne Australia2012/04/25 at 12:53 PM #169Greg 43AX005
MemberBest Legal CB
by 269 Hunter Valley » Fri Jan 11, 2008 10:03 amYes the CPI was a very “advanced” product for it’s time but i still think the Stoner would show it up. Advanced doesn’t necessarily mean better. That goes for a lot of ham radios both past and present compared to the CPI and the Stoner as well. It was deliberately built by an SSB fanatic which is why it had no “animal mode”. Even today it has better sound and modulation than the ” back quaaart, say my name, Texas Jism, No1…what is he on??? , 677 cup of tea, overmodulated ovedriven unintelligable bullshit drivel that seems to be everyones ambition on SSB today. Damn shame they were never sold here. Did you notice that the Stoner actually displays the near correct frequency?……instead of the popular 27.555.0? For example.
269 Hunter Valley.269 Hunter Valley
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Location: Muswellbrook NSW2012/04/25 at 12:53 PM #170Greg 43AX005
MemberCPI vs STONER – Frequency Counter
by AX05 » Tue May 13, 2008 12:47 pmThis is a great topic Bob. I think we have to agree to disagree!
The CPI CP2000 Base also had an optional (yes I know, its not built in) Combo Frequency Counter / Antenna Switch / RF PreAmp (Audio) called the BC2000 or Base Console. The item on the LHS on the header image of course!
This has a true frequency counter that also goes to 2 decimal places!
As the perfect companion for CPI’s ULTRA CP2000B Base Station, and the perfect complement to any CB radio, the BC-2000 Base Console from CPI ranks as the most versatile performance- enhancing accessory available today.
One unit. Six functions.
This impressive list of built-in capabilities 0f the BC-2000 begins with the exclusive, CPI-developed, 7-digit frequency counter -the only counter that gives totally accurate readings for both AM and SSB, and in both transmit and receive modes when used with CPI radios and certain other makes. Antenna line sensing gives transmit frequency for all radios.
Then there’s the built-in receive pre-amp, an antenna tuner, a TVI filter, an auxiliary antenna switch and a 6-digit LED quartz crystal clock.
Save space. Save money, too. It could take up to six individual acces- sories-and several hundred dollars-to get all the features the BC-2000 has built into it. And get the greatest performance and enjoyment possible from your CB radio-whether it’s one of ours or one of somebody else’s.
The total-performance features of the BC-2000 include: 7-digit Frequency Counter with: – 3 PPM (.0003%) accuracy – 1 to 40OW thru-Iine sensitivity – 10 MV high impedance sensitivity – Fast 5 times second update – Built-in digital offset capability for receive frequency readout for certain radio models including all CPI units. – Reads in transmit and receive modes and on AM and SSB. No adapter required.
Last edited by AX05 on Tue May 13, 2008 1:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Location: Melbourne Australia2012/04/25 at 12:54 PM #171Greg 43AX005
Memberby AX05 » Tue May 13, 2008 12:51 pm
Wouldn’t it be great to get each of these side by side to do an on air comparison one day!
If anyone out there has a Stoner Pro 40 tell us about it.
And why you love it!
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Location: Melbourne Australia2012/04/25 at 12:54 PM #172Greg 43AX005
Membercpi 2000
by 2 TM 778 » Tue Jul 08, 2008 11:55 pmOk, I own a cpi 2000 with the freq. counter. I have had the radio since 1990. That radio is the best i have ever used. I have it tuned for SSB and it rocks! Blows the doors off of my modified Ranger AR3500. The CPI has the best recieve ever. Transmitt is smooth and clean on SSB. I just dug it up out of storage after we moved across town 2 years ago. I have been using the Ranger AR 3500(as a base), but getting the CPI out of storage was well worth the work. I cant find the mic so I guess I will have to go get a new one. No big deal. DX is rolling hard out here in socal. Listen for me. I go by 778 or 2 tango mike 778. Either 38LS or 555 US Does anybody else out there have a CPI radio? All the contacts I have ever made have NEVER heard of my CPI 2000. Too bad, they dont know what they are missing.
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2 TM 778Posts: 4
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Location: La Verne/Pomona area. California2012/04/25 at 12:54 PM #173Greg 43AX005
by 2 TM 778 » Wed Jul 09, 2008 12:02 amBy the way, I have never needed a power mike for the CPI 2000. The radio shines without a power mike.
2 TM 778Posts: 4
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Location: La Verne/Pomona area. California2012/04/25 at 12:55 PM #174Greg 43AX005
Memberby AX05 » Fri Jul 11, 2008 1:27 pm
Hi 2 TM 778, great to hear of another happy CPI 2000 Base & Console owner!
Obviously I also own a few as CPI features on the site a lot. I am buying another Mobile CPI CP400 Mobile soon also as well to add to the collection.
The CPI can work well with a power mic. so dont hesitate to try one.
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Location: Melbourne Australia2012/04/25 at 12:55 PM #175Greg 43AX005
Memberby 2 TM 778 » Sun Aug 03, 2008 7:05 pm
I wired up a Cobra m77 stock mike to it. My friends around here say I sound “tinny” or off freq., but other contacts around the US say I sound GREAT!! Do you know how to trouble shoot any problems with this radio? I can PM you if you would like. Iam getting a different(better) mike for the radio in the near future. This was just a quick fix. Do you know the wiring diagram for the mike? I found a site for it, but my friend who wired up the stock Cobra mike says it was strange. Thanks!!
In Socal area, USA!! Give me a shout when skip is rolling. 778-Craig. 36-39LSB. 41-54LSB and 55 USB.
2 TM 778Posts: 4
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Location: La Verne/Pomona area. California2012/04/25 at 12:56 PM #176Greg 43AX005
Memberby Roosta » Tue Aug 26, 2008 9:52 am
Any of the old cybernets..Karina, Phillips 201, Citizen Base station, American Electronics..once tweaked with a few extra’s added there a great Radio to operate.
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Location: Forster, NSW2012/04/25 at 12:56 PM #177Greg 43AX005
Memberby 269 Hunter Valley » Fri Sep 05, 2008 9:47 am
Still can’t hold a candle to either the CPI or the Stoner. These radios were built with performance first in mind. 2 TM 788 is the man to see as they were only ever sold in the US. Every now and then one or an accessory pops up on US ebay but none will sell to Australia. They were in the same vein as the CPI with add on bits and pieces and even had an aux input for those who chose to use animal mode. They did not come with AM as standard. If i ever won lotto i would fly to the US and bring one back….if i could get someone to part with theirs…lol.
Bob.269 Hunter Valley
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Location: Muswellbrook NSW2012/04/25 at 12:56 PM #178Greg 43AX005
Memberby AX05 » Thu Dec 04, 2008 11:27 am
Hey Bob, talking to a well known tech in Melbourne who is very familiar with the Stoner Pro 40 says they are nowhere the quality of the CPI.
Aparently CREST bought about 20 into the country early on and they had a lot of problems with intermod and other issues that could not be solved.
He says that the CPI is definately the best CB radio he has ever worked on.
P.S. Dont shoot the messenger…
“Your perception of my reality is purely virtual”tmAX05
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Location: Melbourne Australia2012/04/25 at 12:56 PM #179Greg 43AX005
Memberby chaser5444 » Sat Dec 20, 2008 2:53 am
Well Im supose to buy this stoner tomorrow and Im waiting for some quick feed back.It sounds like a good radio,guss I will hang for about a half an hour
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